Ecosphere | Production building Zeulenroda

Flush, mineral insulating façade

The company building of OTM Metallbau in Zeulenroda now shines in new splendour with a flush and mineral-insulated façade. The contractor, KSD Bau Zeulenroda, was pleased with the ease of application due to the stability of the material, which could be applied with a standard silo mixing pump and standard 35 mm hoses.

Exterior insulation on very uneven masonry

In the course of the general renovation work, the 200 m² façade of the production building of the company OTM Metallbau Zeulenroda also had to be renovated and energetically optimised. After knocking off the plaster, an extremely uneven and arched mixed masonry of brick and natural stone was revealed, which could not be insulated with conventional ETIC systems without applying a levelling plaster.

Sprayable insulation without levelling plaster

The sprayable, mineral-based external insulation maxit ecosphere 72 was able to score points in comparison with a conventional insulating render due to its significantly better insulating properties. In addition, the insulation compound was applied wet-on-wet in just one work step directly from the building material silo up to a thickness of 2 to locally 14 cm. The widely varying application thicknesses of the low-stress material made it possible for KSD Bau Zeulenroda to completely even out the curved shape of the façade.

OTM - Metallwaren GmbH
Untere Haardt 32
07937 Zeulenroda-Triebes 

KSD Bauunternehmung GmbH
Binsicht 53
07937 Zeulenroda-Triebes


  • maxit eco 72 Sprayable exterior insulation, 4 t

Project location